Fleetwood Mac shows no signs of slowing down

On June 10, Fleetwood Mac will perform at Pinkpop, the biggest and best-known festival in the Netherlands. It is Pinkpop’s 50th anniversary, so they’re bringing out the big guns. Fleetwood Mac will be the closing act on the last day of the festival.


Different dynamics


I’ve seen them live in concert several times and remember my time with them on a boat in Rotterdam back in 1977 fondly. Read about that adventure here!
The concerts have had very different vibes, mostly positive and polite, but you could see some friction or standoffishness here and there, if you know where to look.
I’m curious how the Mac will fare without Lindsay Buckingham. Many people say it’s not really Fleetwood Mac anymore without him, but there was a time, long ago, that he wasn’t in the band! And they’ve done without Christine McVie for quite a while too, although she’s back now.

Morrison Hotel Gallery


I’ve been working with my Fleetwood Mac pictures quite a lot over the last few years, because my work is available through the Morrison Hotel Gallery in Maui, New York, and Los Angeles. Mick Fleetwood himself runs the gallery in Maui, which is part of Fleetwood’s. It is so cool to be working with him! If you’re ever in Maui, do stop by and please tell me about your visit.
I love working with them and they send me lots of wonderful messages, like this one:


“The other exciting news is we were told by the gallery that when Stevie Nicks came through the gallery, she saw your photo and loved it. Apparently she had never seen it. Mick purchased it and gifted it to her!”
Aw, shucks.

New Stevie


I wonder what she would think of this picture I recently discovered of her. I found some negatives of pictures I shot and discovered this beauty.




I hope the fans will continue to appreciate the remaining and new band members and the wonderful music they’ve made over the years. Although I’m sure many people will sorely miss Lindsay’s amazing guitar playing and deep lyrics, there are enough fantastic songs by Stevie and Christine to fill up a show. And who knows, this band is known to break up and get back together.